INFO : apa itu instict..

off topic jap..this is an interesting info regarding to our basic life...kita selalu sebut..

"instict aku kuat la beb.." 

infact aku sendiri selalu cakap camtu...yang bestnye..bila aku suarakan la kehebatan aku.. BURNO serta merta akan pangkah aku...

" wah..kau nk ahli nujum ke hapa?"...keh keh keh...

tu lah antara moment-moment menarik aku dengan BURNO..ok.ok...tapi wei...instict aku tak sehebat mana pasai aku cuma leh rasa sumtin nak jadi tapi aku tak tau menatang apa yang nak jadi..bila nak jadi..kat mana nak jadi..kiranya tak leh pkai jugak la instict aku ni aku cari la yang googleman explained kat aku pasai instict... malas aku nak translate..

" Instinct is an impulse or powerful motivation from a subconscious source. For instance, if you were crossing the street and a car comes speeding towards you, you would try to jump out of the way before it even 'registers' with your conscious mind that a car is coming. 
The part of your brain that is associated with these types of reactions is the amygdala. The amygdala has its own set of 'recievers' for sensory intake. In the aforementioned scenario, it will take in information from the surroundings, like the sight on the car coming at you, and make a decision on what to do before you consciously think about it. 
While this response is very important for survival, it is very primitive. It's commonly called the fight or flight response, for obvious reasons. This response makes us "downshift" and use only our lower brain. That means we sometimes cannot think of a logical solution to a problem. Anger makes many people with anger control problems downshift. They cannot think of a moral solution, so they do something destructive. When you are downshifted you become less at efficient at less things. This is why a dangerous school environment keeps children from reaching their learning potential. 
When it is in an environment where you feel safe and secure, the brain goes into "overdrive" mode. This means that the upper parts of the brain are used to think, so all decisions that are made are logical, thinking is more clear and memories are stronger. 
Noise and distraction can keep your brain from going into overdrive mode. Someone who tries to study in a noisy room with distractions like a TV probably won't remember as much as someone who keeps himself from distractions. "

So pasni kita semua berhati-hati menggunakan perkataan instict tu..bukan apa...takut-takut tergodeh tergali kubur sendiri dek kerana instict yang hebat giler..ngeh ngeh ngeh..


Zampeada said…
menarik entri kali ni. normally org yg sensitif, instinct tuh lagi kuat ah.

kau sensitip ka? iya-iya je kan?

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